boiler timer settings... in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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boiler timer settings...

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joko | 13:27 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | How it Works
2 Answers
got one of those boiler timers that is a circle with 34 hoours on, and little tabs signifying 15 mins each, that you push into the centre when you want the heating on...

what is the best way to use these to save money?

keep it going on and off...like on for an hour off for half an hour...or 15 mins on 15 mins off...on permanantly for the desired time...?

whats best?

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I presume you mean 24 hours? (unless you live on a different planet with a 34 hour day?)

I have mine permanently on for an hour or so in the morning and all evening and use to thermostat to keep the house at the desired temp during those times.
I was told by a gas engineer that leaving your boiler running was more efficent as the boiler stayed hot therefore burning the gas more efficently. I tried this and used a hell of a lot of fuel more than when it was on a timer and went off. I also had a timer from a company called warmworld, I think, and it cycled the boiler on and off claiming that this saved gas which it obviously will if its off!! So the best thing to do is, try it and keep a record of your fuel used in a 24 hour period, if thats possible.

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