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FAO bibblebub

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standian | 07:06 Wed 05th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
The rumour mill had it that you were MIA or was it gone AWOL?


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I was banned just before Christmas, I don't know why, but yesterday the powers that be must have reviewed these decisions because by last evening I had been re-instated.
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Good Show! Welcome back!
Thank you, but the whole episode has left me a bit unenthusiastic.
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Im pretty sure that youll be cheered by supporters through the day !
someone must have pressed the wrong button bibble. Nice to see you out and about again x
nice smile by the way....
enigmatic, with a whiff of rennaisance
Good to have you back bibble. You've been missed on Q&P x
looks like you need to do a fart..
that whiff could be due to someone cutting the cheese
welcome back bibbs!
.......But any further mention of 'Audition' will see me petitioning the Ed for your permanent removal ! ;o)
Right !!!

That's it ...........!! :o(

Ed..........Ed..........have you got a moment..........?
Just wanted to add my bit, glad you're back, you were missed!

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FAO bibblebub

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