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Congresswoman shot

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Dris | 21:34 Sat 08th Jan 2011 | News
40 Answers

Im not sure how relevant this is although my cousin in the US (who works for the Senate) is very upset about it -sad anyone gets shot doing their job anyhow:(
Anyone enlighten me?


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ahhh I get it now, you're saying that MLK was murdered by the CIA , was this congresswoman assassinated because she was a civil rights supporter or a woman in politics or against gun crime?
Just realised it was a 9 year old girl and not a boy who was killed.
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I think John Lennon was shot my Mark Chapman because Chapman was trying to impress Jodie Foster. He'd been harrassing her for a while (stalking today) and thought she would love him if he did that for her! It was nothing to do with any political ideas he might have had.

Steve's right about Martin Luther King though. He wasn't a 'civil rights' leader a he was campaigning for black rights only. He did nothing for women, homosexuals or the general populace as 'civil rights' implies. James Earl Ray shot him because he was black. Completely wrong about Lennon though.
plugged doing a constituency meeting

tensions in the States as the Dems are stirring up the Reps saying they are responsible for taking a greater distance between the parties.

Earely evidence suggests that he is a nutter - there's a DVD but its all rambling blah apparently.
steve - they will not meddle with the gun law - it stems back to the constituion and the right to bear arms - any move in that direction by the dems would bring Obama tumbling down. Visit the States and talk to the locals where you go and you will realise that this is akin to the debate over here about removal of the Royal Family and, north of the border, the separation of Scotland and England - i.e. the silent majority views are pretty well set and immovable.
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I doubt if the gunman was a 'terrorist' but Homeland Security in the USA will have some explaining to do.
Oh maybe Steve - I always got muddled between the two. They are both nutters anyway. I'm sure his shooting didn't have much to do with politics anyway.

BTW - I think Nixon was well out of politics by 1980. He'd been told to go away and never raise his head again after Watergate.
Jimmy Carter I think you mean.
Hinckley tried to shoot Reagan.,_Jr.
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When those two lads went berserk at Columbine High School neither of them had broken any law until they started shooting at other students. They had purchased their guns and ammunition legally (from Wal-Mart) and they carried it all through the streets and into the school legally!

The US gun lobby claim that guns are a deterrant and protection. As the anti-gun lobby says, if that's the case then the US would be the safest country in the world.
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I'll stop scratching my head then Birdie!
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lol Birdie.
Steve -I didnt mind -just didnt want wild speculation as the thread would have got pulled -no prob with a healthy debate x

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