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Rubbish day!

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benny3008 | 21:26 Sun 09th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
2011 really doesn't want me riding my moped as i have had more problems with it this year than i have ever had! fell off it this morning, hit ice and me and the bike went our separate ways. :-( now its off the road again. and to top it off, i am receiving threats from my ex girlfriends supposed new boyfriend! Hmmm! Not great.


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i dont know what ive done to p!ss him off! my ex jut text me telling me to stop making her life hell when i haven't done anything! its doing my head in!
Aw Benny -swerve her or get a new SIM or block her number -whatever you have to do.Youre really just making it worse for yourself.
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my main priority tonight is to get through the night without getting murdered lol, then i shall sort that out.
It's reading threads like this which makes happy in a sense that I am now old and therefore no longer a threat to youth, hence no-one really wants to punch my face in (apart from the geriatric loony at the bingo hall who thinks I'm after his wife). Dream on, pal, she's as ugly as sin. I told him that if that was the best on offer I would rather turn gay. Funnily enough, this did not seem to placate him.
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My ex has now text me saying that im apparently making her life hell! not a clue how i am but hey, whatever she wants to believe, she then finally told me who she'd given my number too and that she never wants to talk to me again (which is good, the feelings mutual). i played a little reverse tactic, told her that if the guy texts me again, I will give her number out (i won't give it out but she doesn't know that) :-) haven't heard from the guy since. oh, and he was due to be here to "kill me" half an hour ago!
Benny, can you not asking why she thinks you are making her life hell? Is someone else pestering her, pretending to be you?
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one of my mates had a go at her because of how she'd played the whole breakup, she thinks i told him to have a go which i hadn't, i am still good mates with the guy who had a go because he's good to me. she isn't worth my time.
I had forgotten what it was like to be young!!!! Thank God.

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