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carlton23 | 13:13 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Are we all retired people or bored housewives on here at this time of day?


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Why Ankou?
He he Ankou. I am rarely here weekends and evenings!! Occasionally have a peep in though.
I don't come on AB very often when other people are around. I don't feel the need, unless Mr LL is engrossed in some boring TV programme.

The garden and being outside is priority in the spring and summer. AB is lovely for winter days when I should be finding jobs to do in the house and the snow and ice is stopping me going out.
Hi carlton! I'm on annual leave before kicking off maternity leave, I was more than ready to leave at Christmas!! I'm a lady of leisure, for a few weeks anyway..
I am now logging off!! ;o)
I fit into the 'unispiring job with good internet access' bracket.
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Hi jb, Best of luck and make the most of it. Hope it`s a boy.
How very true, Lottie. Did the same myself after taking early retirement from teaching. you literally had to pee by the clock. Amazing how those who are given jobs not involving answering calls become so clever all of a sudden. Fortunately I was quite good at what I did and was eventually promoted to Team Manager, albeit it 30+ years older than the next youngest manager (snotty-nosed kids who couldn't probably even flip burgers for a living). I made sure that people in my team were treated with the courtesy and respect with which I had not been at first, often putting myself out on a limb and incurring the displeasure of my bosses. I eventually grew to love the job, and would still be happily working there now, were it not for the fact that the Good Bosses of National Rail Enquiries decided in their wisdom that rail travellers in the UK would be far better served by agents from India, rather than Newcastle. i still miss it.
I'm on maternity leave at the moment. When I am at work I don't have time to come onto AB much as I'd like to.
Wish you had been my boss Mike. I had some lovely colleagues but we were treated like dirt by jumped up little team leaders and so called managers. I'm afraid I just couldn't tolerate it for more than 4 years. I do not suffer fools gladly and wasn't their favourite employee. It ended up also being a very complex job where we had to have a lot of knowledge on educational requirements, training, employment law, etc. etc. I actually would have liked the job had it not been for the treatment we had to endure and if the remit was to actually help the people who phoned in rather than get through x calls in a day and being times on loo breaks etc.

I ended up with a few very good friends though!

Before that I worked in Admin in Education and the workload was doubling every year. I was lucky to get home before 7.00pm each evening and I was completely stressed out. I had internet access, but no time to use it for my own ends!!
I'm on my lunch break... I would like to report that todays veg soup wasn't up to much.
neither where my sarnies, China. i'm tryng to fight the temptation to go to maccy's and get cherry pie
I am so glad not to be a slave to work any more China. My lunch was toast with fried tomatoes covered in sweet chilie dip. It is very nice being retired apart from the age thing that tends to accompany it. Retirement and state pension should be between 20 and 50 and work between 50 and until we can't work anymore!
Well it beat the soup they were doing downstairs, that potatoe and leek... Bleugh! Guess I'll eat my apple then.

And Lofty, I agree wholeheartedly!
I am at work too and just finished my lunch break.
Just ate a sardine salad. Feel a little sick now!
ummm, it would feel like shift work or overtime, and i wouldn't do either!
i'm at home and have my laptop on all the time so i just pop in and out of this and various other sites i frequent as and when. same at the week-end. i've found that when you don't work, the week-end is just a nuisance, too many people around at the shops or places your want to visit. we do all our 'going out' during the week and tend to stay in or around the house at the week-end, catching up on jobs, decorating, whatever.
when i did work, my job didn't involve a computer or any technology, it was a day centre for young people with learning difficulties. and the last two years i worked there i worked in the kitchen so the most technological thing i had to deal with was the microwave!
Spot on, Lottie. Let's have our pensions and all the attendant benefits at 20 until 64 then send us out to work at 65. Hang on, that's only three years away, might need a rethink here.

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