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Sunday Jan 2.

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micmak | 21:06 Mon 10th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I said it was Clair who battered Tracey. Where do I collect my prize for being the first to be right.


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can you do fridays thuderball foe me mac?!
the local nick, weatherfield
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Sure can Boold. I'll do it at the same time as I do my Euromillions.
I'm off down the Maserati showroom tomorrow!
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Boold, Go back to 'what annoys you most' thread.
well done micmak.

can you tell me if Benny ever found that spanner?
Claire hasn't been charged yet. She said she pushed Tracy not that she hit her over the head, that she must have banged her head when she fell. Someone might have come along after Claire to bash her so until it's proved she actually did it, I don't think you can collect a prize just yet. Sorry.
Question Author
I want my prize. Maybe someone else did come along later. Claire did the initial attack. Give me my prize.
Don`t get in a strop micmac...You might fall and hit your head.

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Sunday Jan 2.

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