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stokemaveric | 14:07 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
blue moon..14.50..lingfield...bedarra boy..15.00..taunton..magic of the sea..15.50..lingfield..golden duck..16.00...taunton....and my outsider e/w bet is indian wish in the 18.50 at wolverhampton...


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My last bet that afternoon was a 1/5 nag in a 3 horse race. I put £200 on it to win a measly £20! (back in the day of 10% tax). It lost.
Ouch ... !!

And a bit LOL ... although I know it's not funny, obviously.
Mrs O i know exactly what you mean, ours is verymuch like that!
I know. I laugh about it now being so stupid but it was heartbreaking at the time. Stupid, stupid me!
wooo, that's harsh SB. Losing £200 when the most you would have won would only be £20 anyway.

I think I'll just watch it all for a while before I use any money. I just re-registered with bluesq and they said I would get a text with a £5 free bet so I might use that when it comes through.
Well I would have got my £200 back as well but at only £20 potential profit, I was a fool
Yes, but you still get a rush, Square !

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