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Are You JL

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milly143 | 14:15 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Had a friend request from a female JL. Is it you?


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Can't find them on your friend list Mccfluff.

They have everything completely private so I can't see who any of their friends are either. Might not be anyone on here, just assumed it probably was.
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Delete it. If they were that interested in you being a friend, they would have sent an email with it. I hate friends requests like that.
Is there a bit next to it saying if you have any mutual friends?
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It's a picture of some statue but now I think it's just some random person because I can now see a few of their friends and don't know any of them.

Will watch for a little while and see if anyone comes up who I recognise, if not - access denied!
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I think you can keep everything private but I think this is actually a new profile as I can see the friends list now so I probably just looked at it before she had any friends.

I'm waiting to see if any mutual friends appear, although even I do know her I can't be that keen on her if I can't even remember who she is.
is it a pic of a west highland terrier ?
whoops ignore that just read its a pic of a statue sorry then i dont know then
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To be honest, I wouldn't know a west highland terrier if I saw one but I'm fairly sure it's not a dog. I think it's a hindu temple or something.

I always have trouble telling Hindu temples and small dogs apart too :)
''I always have trouble telling Hindu temples and small dogs apart too''

Chuck... to be safe, remove your shoes before entering either...

sage advice, snags :)
Not me or my alter-ego...............
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ha ha, no I don't. Perhaps I should just give up. :o)
I can assure you I am not this JL

I am all male and don't do facebook due to the fact that I'm an adult
And it's not me milly, although I am a JL on facebook. My avatar is a bichon, not a westie by the way.

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