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Balls to George Osborne!

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sandyRoe | 00:33 Fri 21st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Ed Balls, will he make a better fist than his predecessor at opposing teh Chancellor?


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fist ?
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If someone makes a better fist at doing something, they do a better job.
But now that you mention it, didn't Julian Clary make a very rude remark about a past chancellor?
I think he's in for a rough ride Sandy, as GBs right hand man at the time
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I use s bit of slang and then find it's old fashioned. :-(
I knew what ya meant ;-)
sandy, never heard that phrase before, now makes sense
Why would anyone want to oppose the present chancellor? I can't see that the last one made such a brilliant job of it,
a Scot whose never heard of the 'fist' Anne...nawwwww
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We need to believe in something. Or I do. So, for me it's Labour, right or not so right.
Noooooooooooo! Whyyyyyyyyyyy?
problem here Sandy is, Ed Balls stood cheek by jowel with GB when the economy was going ito freefall, he will take some stick about this, btw, I am Labour through and through
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Naomi, I refer you to the GK Chesterton quote that I've used here in AB once or twice.
I don't like Mr Balls - he's a smarmy git, and like young Ed milliband is less able than his brother, Ed should have stood aside and let his wife Yvette have a crack at it.
He was obviously a lost cause when Labour overspent and left us in debt. So what can he do this time around.

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Balls to George Osborne!

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