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jd_1984 | 12:10 Fri 21st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
If you own a horse and visit a pub, but the pub does not have anywhere to tie the horse up - one is allowed to take the horse in to the pub? Is it one of those old laws that still stands?


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Horse goes into a pub and the barmaid says "what's with the long face?"
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Its a genuine question McMouse - currently having the debate with a friend, I have heard this somewhere and I am sure it is true
I've never heard that before McM.... though a particular advert springs to mind.
Can't see any reference to it on Google and would suggest someone is winding you up.
White Horse go's into the same pub Barmaid says "we have a whisky named after you" the horse replies "what you have a whsiky named Eric"
When I was in New Orleans (pre Katrina) police would patrol along Bourbon Street on horseback and would ride into a bar where the horse was given a small bowl of beer. It was very much part or the touristy thing.
In the state of Queensland, Australia, it is still constitutional law that all pubs (hotel/bar) must have a railing outside for patrons to tie up their horse.

apparently.........not sure how true that is or whether that means they can go inside. probably internet waffle.
The cops should ask for a dish of horse chestnuts to go with it.
Horse goes into a pub and the barmaid says "what's with the long face?"... and the horse says "I'm wearing a Van Nistelrooy mask".

(one for footie followers)
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I cant remember when I heard this or whether it related to the UK or abroad. But sometimes stupid things stick in your mind, but over time you forget exactly what the content of the statement was.
My friend rode a horse right into a pub once. I`m not sure whether it was because she couldn`t find anywhere to tie it up or whether they`d just had a horseback pubcrawl and couldn`t be bothered to get off.
Sorry but another Urban Myth bites the dust!
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pony walks into a bar coughing. barman says 'are you alright' pony replies, 'yeah its ok i'm just a little hoarse'.
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