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Pain in the @rse

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McMouse | 11:12 Fri 21st Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Bought a french stick this morning and put in on the car seat while putting other stuff in the boot. Promptly sat on the stick and squashed it to bu99ery.


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Buy a Megane, they have a 'special' French Stick recess on the real parcel shelf ... I kid you not.
Which way up was the stick, mcmouse...?
"squashed it to bu99ery" really???
Interesting ....... being bu99ered by a french stick.
accidentally sat on a baguette.

is that what you told a&e mcmouse.
like the 'sat on a lemon after a shower' incident ?
I've only just remembered that "pain" is French for bread ...

... hence ... "pain" in the arse.

Very good, Mousey, LOL.

-- answer removed --
Ankou....'fell' on a lemon....'fell'
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Make cheese on toast with french stick. You will never go back to 'ordinary' toast.

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Pain in the @rse

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