I posted this question in answer to stokemaveric's previous question,
"White children in Birmingham will be in the minority this year"
Because it is very far into that question, I have been requested to enter it in it's own right.
India kicked out the British, Africa kicked us out also, and most of the rest of our Empire now have their own independence, and quite rightly too.
But the question I wish to ask now is, when is Britain going to get back it's independence?
Go on, go on, it seems it is not only our country we are losing, but along with it the good old English intelligence and reasoning
Just go back and read some of your posts.
Then having thought things through, come back with more constructive answers, instead of all the "I hate AOG" claptrap, which after all doesn't need much intelligence to post.
we were invaded in the 1940s. I believe some Germans did indeed stay on the Channel Islands after the war, though not many.
And please don't hop back and forth between "English" and "British" in the same thread; it makes it hard to understand exactly what you're talking about.
We've been invaded for years way back when, there's a bit of Viking in most of us. We are all mongrel breeds. Britain's worked like that for years, with integration and assimilation - and generally we take a bit of everything people bring with them. I do understand the OP, independence from what?
/// And please don't hop back and forth between "English" and "British" in the same thread; it makes it hard to understand exactly what you're talking about.///
So sorry to get you so confused.
English = Those who are the indigenous peoples of England.
British = Of or relating to Great Britain or it's people, language, or culture.