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Tommy Sheridan. Three years for perjury...

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sandyRoe | 16:56 Wed 26th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Isn't that a bit steep?


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power to the people lol
Up the Tooting front !!
Think that last remark insults Robert Lindsay,
haha -just from memory is it wrong lol?
Nope - thought she looked like something out of Emmerdale and what a sham.....
I think he was still an MP at the time of the (alleged) swinging, wasn't he? That makes him more of a legitimate target. I'm not defending the NOW here, though. Sheridan committed a crime and now he's paying.
latest on stv news tonight, although in barlinnie prison at present, once he has been assessed and as he is not a danger to the public,he may well in the nearish future be transferred to an open prison and be allowed home at weekends.
Agreed DT -she's not a popular figure.

jno -I do 'get' it' honestly its just a complicated case (hence it taking 3months) and I am just giving my slant on it which means if his privacy hadnt been invaded he wouldnt have found himself fighting his corner.He's appealing -its not the last of it.Im still not swayed by his ex comrades involvement in the entire 'sting'.
Saw that Anne -reckon a year.
BBC says "not likely to serve more than 18 months before being released."
What an arrogant barsteward he is, and that wife of his needs a smack too.
Im with you,Answergran.....night-night....

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