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Is Pubic Topiary

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McMouse | 11:29 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
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Just sit back and watch..................
Bush trimming is a must.
I wouldn't hedge your bets....
You think...?
Not's a pain in the a***.
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Waxing lyrical TTG
Unkempt lady gardens are not very nice, trimming is a must!
It's moved's now vajazzling

Keep up!!
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Just googled vajazzling and I'm going for it.
Vajazzling - what a wonderful word. Is that jewels and things? Do you stick them on pasta?
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Both pixi
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Doc, was it Red for No Entry and Green for Go?
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Just for you salla...
I was judging at a kiddys pony show some years ago and a tree was overhanging the arena and blocking my view. Without thinking I called out over the loud hailer. "Mary can i trim your bush?" To which her prompt reply was "trim yoiur own bush leave mine alone" There was a horrified hush and twittering from all the precious mums.

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Is Pubic Topiary

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