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How Lucky!

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jd_1984 | 21:55 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Talk about near miss!


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And this guy!!!!!
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And this nutcase!!!!!
-- answer removed --
jesus... how on earth did that train miss that lunatic???
I think the guy in the first clip gets squidged by the bus in the bottom right hand corner.
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"sqiudged" being the technical term?
Ya, I think so ... in that instance.
I have always been shocked at this one.....

His guy crossing the road actually survives because the car that rolls over him has a human sized dent in it's side from the initial collision, what are the chances the two meet perfectly

car dented, dent meets man, man survives
Man gets lucky twice in one day.
That 3rd one is also the stupidest man in the world.

Why don't people like that think about the train driver who probably thinks he has just killed someone.

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