X - Flower Media URL: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3416/3640635780_f67bc52638.jpg&imgrefurl=http://flickr.com/photos/28786676%40N03/3640635780/&usg=__XaMqv_QBVoIdmjd5dNfNLb7zmIg=&h=333&w=500&sz=79&hl=en&start=82&zoom=0&tbnid=kCKLu1xtlHzS Description:
Mmmmm! - No-one seems to be interested in this thread Hey - Ho.
Funny yesterday I saw a post where someone said why bother putting posys in appropriate sections because they seem to get ignored unless they are in 'Chatterbank' - I tend to agree, The whole site should be renamed 'CHATTERBANK'
Its just not Yorkies day is it???
I am loling very loudly at the moment...cheers horseshoes for pointing me in this direction and thanks Yorkie for making my day...are you always this distracted looool?