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2 hot tips for tomorrow...££££££s

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stokemaveric | 22:46 Sun 13th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
kaolak..14.50..catterick and heavenley chorus in the 16.20 also at catterick...


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I've never bet on a horse in my life but might give these two a go, need to pay docs speeding fine.
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lol puss why not try a couple of pounds on a double???
Well actually thought a fiver double was perhaps worth a go....I'm serious...I will have to find a bookies tho, none round here.
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go for it never know..two 3-1 shots a nice £65.00 in your purse ...well until you pay docs speeding ticket lol
Good job I didn't bother, kaolak didn't run and heavenley chorus came 3rd.
lol chuckled at the thought of the doc speeding, where was he?
Preston to Kirkham road A583 I think.
ahhh yes, just before the 50 zone as you leave Blackpool Road!
I was tempted to have a few quid on Heavely Chorus, didn't get around to it, would have bet each way, so would have had a few pence back!.........not sorry I didn't get there really!...........

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