I think the conclusion of this is to stick the daytime job, jayne!
George said to Fred, 'I put £100 on a horse last week and he came in at twenty five to one.', 'Wow! you must be loaded', said Fred. 'Not really' said George, 'the rest of the field came in at twelve thirty.
My best friends - her dad ran the Derby so they were/are well up on the geegees. However, my best win came their daughter (my godaughter). I had just flown in from Hong Kong and was staying with them over the w/end to break the jet lag. We went to a point-to-point on the edge of Surrey/Sussex. She was six.....we looked at the horses (a complete lottery). I asked B which one we should go for and she chose the rider with a pink strip.
It came in - £10 @ 50-1. £200 onto her account and £300 in my pocket.
Wow, DTC ... that was a nice surprise. Sounds like her method for selecting horses was as informed as mine. I just go for the names. But, sometimes, they do win.