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Chrissa1 Will be thinking of you

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albaqwerty | 08:56 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | Family Life
15 Answers
and your family tomorrow. I'm sure other AB'ers will be too.

I posted this today as I'm sure that for obvious reasons you won't be on.

Take care xxx


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is tomorrow the day of the funeral?

If so, my thoughts are with you too Chrissa. Hope the day goes as well as can be expected.

God bless
Even if you read this some time after I was thinking of you tooXXx
I hope all goes well xxx
Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
or you can be full of the love you shared.

I hope the weather is kind to you.

My thoughts are with you.

Thinking of you and your loved ones x
glad i found this post alba. was just about to do a FAO, as your friends have already stated chrissa, will be thinking about you and your family tomorrow and the days to come, very best wishes,, anne
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Thinking of you Chrissa xxx
I too will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow Chrissa (((hugs))) xxx
Chrissa, hold your memories close, thinking of you. ♥
My thoughts will be with you too Chrissa

With Love

I hope tomorrow goes well, take comfort in the time you had together
i hope you will be ok tomorrow.
take care Chrissa xxx
Dear chrissa, I hope that the love and support of your family, friends and all who care for you will give you and your loved ones the strength you need for tomorrow. My thoughts will be with you ♥

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Chrissa1 Will be thinking of you

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