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Who is vivianowen and what's her game?

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sandyRoe | 20:49 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
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Now now Ena hahah
Hahaha no game anymore..buh bye Vivian
Bye Suezy ;o)
No meant vivianowen ena ;)
I know ;o)
Has she gone - what happened?
Ena I am perving on the hot footballers on telly :)
g g - she has been 'pulled' but, probably, not as she intended :o)
From what I saw, this is traditional "scammer" posting. Unfortunately, before I had time to take her email address for some fun, she was pulled.
Bugger....was some hot chick after me......i was watching the brilliant Arsenal beat Barcelona :0)
Shame you missed her, you could probably have taken her up the Arsenal next weekend...
Yep.....bugger twice :0(

Her loss, naz.............someone else's gain :0)

I've told you this before i think.....i am 'the love magnet'..........attract all types....... but hate it when they've got a beard....makes me itch :0)

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