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FAo Mamyalynne

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alexanderd | 22:15 Sun 27th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Hi Mamy how did the christening go? Didnt drop him in I hope


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r u there Mamy
Oh Alex it was a lovely day, no it's ok Leo has survived and a good time was had by all. I am very glad you are so much better today too, see what a tailcock or two will do.
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Yep feeling fine today Mamy glad you had a good day. Did you have a posh frock and new hat?
No hay, but I think I looked the partLOL
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Good for you I bet you were the Belle of the ball(ding dong)
Could not possibly comment (Mamya blushes) but was as proud as punch!
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Yep can see the red in your cheeks from here lol
OOh saucy, glad you are up and about on that skateboard, bet you get some speed up on that.
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With a following wind(No saucy comments please) and downhill there is no stopping me!!
Hi Mamya. So glad you had a lovely day. I would never have thought you could possibly drop your little grandson! Tut, tut Alex - nice to read you are feeling better though. Just think Alex - Mamya has never even dropped a spill at the MOFC - now has she LOL ♥

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