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If you believe in reincarnation

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McMouse | 18:13 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
who would you like to come back as? I'd like to be the love child of sqad and BOO.


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Christ, you'd be a miserable little shít then?
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I think the medical background is as much a myth as the cake-wizardry. I've yet to see evidence of either. :-))
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You referring to me or sqad redhelen?
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Are the fab cakes alleged or can somebody vouch for them?
McM........we wud luvu as us own.
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Thank you Your sqadiness.
I don't bake!

Can't see it happening somehow, can you McM and you're a very naughty boy for trying to stir things up ;-)
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... unless you miraculously end up in the same bar and he has his roofies with him, lol
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I can dream BOO.
What are "roofies?"
NazM......ah! got it.
Here you are sqad, is this your cat?,r:10,s:0
box LOL
Id love to be automatically smart and clever to save me revision time!

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If you believe in reincarnation

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