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A recent survey found that....

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Bbbananas | 15:16 Thu 03rd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
64% of women would rather marry a rich man than have a career.



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thank god for that other 36%!
The present Mrs Hughes must be one of the 32% - she has an excellent career, and is richer than me!

That said, the crux of the survey was ' ... would rather marry ...' - she is away working today, should I broach the subject when we meet up for our evening meal later?
I'm surprised it's that low. We work to live, not the other way round.
I couldn't find a rich man so I had to make do with a career.
And not a very good one at that.
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Andy - if 64% would, and your wife is one of the 32% that wouldn't - what would the other 4% choose?!!!!
depends on how fit he is i suppose :-)
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Did they not say they'd rather marry a rich man than have a carer?
Salla - well they always have the option of coming round to teach me how to add up to one hundred - obviously a lesson I missed at school!!!
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nice one sandy....
A carer, yes. :-)
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Only being pedantic andy x

I am hopeless at maths (well, my personal finances and spending anyway - is that the same thing?!!)
Have never fancied being a career person although I always had interesting 'jobs'. I certainly wouldn't marry for money though, but it would be an added bonus if the bloke I wanted to marry was rich as well.

(The one I married wasn't - but I don't feel like I have missed out!!)
And quite right too sal!

A x
I would go along with that statistic.
I'd rather my oh had a bit of wedge and I could just work in Tesco or something. I don't think I'm really cut out for a career. Unfortunatley he doesn't so I have to. :o(

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