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Night Night Everyone ♥

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ttfn | 01:53 Fri 04th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
from Mamyalynne


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Sometimes we'll cry...
If we're getting all slushy then this is my favourite.
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Whilst you are jumping to the left then Mark ... ☺
I love Move Closer! Bought the single when it first came out...
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I have been humming that one most of the evening Mark, for no apparent reason other than I love it.
hey, you lot can't be turning in just yet - it's too early !! morning ttfn and Mark
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Hello steff - bed is still a while off for me but I am posting by proxy tonight and I cannot let Mamya down.
early start 2moro....nite all
aha, I see - mamy out on the tiles tonight, is she ??
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She wishes steff! Just her p.c. knocked out for a day or two.
is it complaining of overwork and not enough holiday pay lol
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The dreaded virus steff! Fingers crossed it will be well again soon though.
you're not wrong there, ena !!
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Well I am off now steff - work in a few hours. Sweet dreams to all and ttfn ♥

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Night Night Everyone ♥

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