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Biggest You Have Ever Had?

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jd_1984 | 20:40 Thu 03rd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
........ English Breakfast I mean :)

When seriously hungover last Saturday I managed

2 sausages
4 rashers bacon
2 poached eggs
whole tin of beans
fried mushrooms
4 pieces of toast

Thats a record for me, boy was I full!


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No black pudding?
What did you do on the oil rig then DTcrosswordfan? How did you get the job, as would consider that, as really need work soon?
given it was my gap year and 1972......think it is a little out of date though the rig istill going - one of 5 Amoco platforms off Yarmouth on the Leman Bank.......

Try contacting the oil service cos before the Oil cos would be my advice and you now need to be 18 I believe
I was doing down well analysis by the way - pressure flows and well recovery over time which is one of the crucial data inputs to determing how much is now down there (combined with the geology of the well) and for how long.
A hotel in Wakefield. I swear the full-English was served to you on a satellite dish.

or should i have called it the desperate dan club?
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