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goood weekend guys??

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tinkerbell23 | 18:07 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
i made up for last weeked anyhow and have avoided 2x hangovers! wooohooooo

i have completely over indulged...and now very bored! xx


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Can't remember the last time I had a hangover. Probably about 3 or 4 years ago.

My parents came round earlier and took Little Tiggs out for a couple of hours so I could get on with some housework. Did I do any housework......NO, I fell asleep!
Heyhey Tinkerbell23:)
Hope you had fun, on the plus side Dancing on Ice tonight :)
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one of the best
stayed in a stone built cottage, log fire and rear patio looking onto to a peaceful river, plenty of good wine , nice music and great company
Yep, I've slept and had pancakes!
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bobbi sounds great!!

well fri i had an accidental night i with my two mates...were all very bad for each other- and i hit the munchies after too much drink!

last night i went into glasgow- to possibly the worst club ever! full of wannabe WAGS...urgh even the guys were arrogant and pretentious- easily could have slapped them all hahaha but music was good was the kebab and chips with chilie sauce and garlic mayo hahahahahahahah

waaaaay to cold waiting on a taxi,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,in knee high socks...oops!! hence the sneezes today!! x
as long as you had a great time tinkerbell, it was worth it ;-)
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well we left the dancefloor cos people just bang into each other..grrr

but we found a wee spot to dance...and the music was right up my street...AND..sounds silly...but it was nice to have a nice glass when out..usually a plastic or horrible tumbler...i had a lovely flute type..was lovely change x
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been working all weekend, sick of the site and sound of whinging customers, one woman came in to spend a 20 quid gift voucher that was given her xmas 09, had to tell her it was now out of date, she kicked off about it, I told her that at any time she could have just had it checked for the balance if she didn't want to use it and the system would have extended the life of it, she said she couldn't do that as it had been lost until this weekend, i said that there was nothing we could do, she stormed out saying she would never shop there again, i said well if you get another one don't lose it, don't think she heard me say that, stupid woman
Went to Northampton yesterday...
enjoy Northampton then Mark?
Sister in laws 40th birthday party last night. Plenty red wine (too much actually), a bit of boogying and gorgeous curry.
Mark - you make your trip sound like some sort of punishment. ;-)
Not as much as I'd hoped...
Interesting dotty - the money box programme on radio 4 yesterday showcased research that suggests companies do best where they provide no-quibble refunds. I take it you don't own the business that shattered this poor woman's faith in the healing power of retail?
now I'm intrigued Mark but I won't snoop..LOL
He forgot his dictionary
awww stopppiiittt joe
he's dead canny

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goood weekend guys??

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