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What have I missed?

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milly143 | 10:18 Mon 07th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Didn't do much at the weekend but my internet was being an arse wipe so didn't get on here much. Did I miss much?


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didn't see the thread SB but you are one of the most inoffensive people on here, glad to see you ;-)
To be honest, a user asked what we thought of his website and I pointed out that it was so insecure, anyone could find out personal details about him.

I proved this by describing the window on his front door and posting a picture of his wife.

I thought Iwas doing the guy a favour but there you go.
Squarebear, well...I hope you don't by-pass any of my questions. :-)

Good to see you and Tboo back on.
lol fortunately she didn't use AB over the weekend and so didn't notice.

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