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ummmm | 13:23 Mon 07th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
When people 'mime' do they feel like complete Snags??


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Is Snags a mimer? :-)
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Miming on this morning. Olly murs (sp) really bad miming effort...
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Snags = t w a t
Before unleashing them on an unsuspecting public, I think Simon Cowell takes them off somewhere to have their 'embarrasment gland' removed..........
Olly Murs ... bad miming? ... what, worse than Cheryl Cole ???
It's been seen time and time again that some will do anything to be top turd on the dungheap so, no, probably not.
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Yes pixi...and with the word fcuk...!!!

Luv ya fluff :-)
I guess it's better than feeling an incomplete one.
I think you need to do a 3 year course in lip-syncing to get it right.
Marcel Marceau made a career out of it
I think Snags is getting a rough deal with this word-filtering.
you think naz
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He deserves
i won a talent contest in Carnoustie when i was about 9 yo, miming..... i felt great, still do

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