And your example is exactly where I part company from any checking scheme, PipinHull.
I have absolutely no problem with criminal convictions having to be disclosed (and in some cases I believe such information is not available widely enough). However, somebody who has been accused of rape but not convicted (or perhaps not even charged) should not have this information disclosed to third parties. As I said, the police may want to retain this information for their own purposes, but people who have not been convicted of a crime should not have (sometimes unsubstantiated) accusations or suspicions raised and possibly jeopardising their chances when applying for employment or when offering to do voluntary work.
We have in the UK a very clear dividing line between guilt and innocence (apart from in Scotland where they insist on retaining their ridiculous “Not Proven” alternative). If you are not guilty you are not guilty. If there was insufficient or inadequate evidence to convict you, then that’s that. There’s no “slightly guilty” or “probably at it but we couldn’t prove it” alternatives and such suspicions should not be a matter of public record.