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Purple_Popple | 22:07 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
'Easygoing'....does this mean someone doesnt care about much ??


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Easygoing for me means someone who does not worry too much about everything
Absolutely not.

I am easygoing, but simultaniously masively passionate and committed about things i care about.

Being easygoing means - at least for me - that i have masive levels of patience, i can take huge amounts of things in my stride, but I car very deeply about a lot of things, and i will defend them uttertly, so I don;t think the two are mutually exclusive.
Not my definition no, i would define easygoing as someone who has a laidback attitude and is happy to go with the flow
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jamesnan, thats what i meant hahah
I think it means someone who can take issues on board but doesn`t let it "get" to them. They deal with it without raising their stress levels.
I'm with andy on this one - I would say that I am easy going but if anyone did any harm to me or one of my family then I would be vile.
doesnt let trivial stuff get to them
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Interesting answers so far, thanks folks.. :)
Im generally very easy going, but once my back is up about something gawd help ye
no i would say tolerant
no i would say tolerant
Easy-going personality? - I'd say someone who's down-to-earth and easy to get along with.
I'l easy going and it annoys the hell out of some folk at work, it winds them up that I don't get stressed about things, can't help it,
It means I shag on a first date : )
Yeah but Al, you're just easy :)
i'm told i'm easy going as i'm to chilled out with life, don't really let things bother me or get to me or stress about anything.
lol Karen ... It's in my genes (or jeans) obviously :(0)

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