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hope you all followed my football bet....

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stokemaveric | 21:15 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
because my horses were donkeys,,,oh well you cant win em all.....


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lol knew id post it didnt you??? lol

in fairness, you did put out a warning
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lol mick i had £50.00 on england to win 2-0 a good day for me and im glad sirandyraven had a liitle punt on my prediction....he has had a good run off my bets just lately lol...good on him...
I had £10 on the match .....

Many thanks ....
I even got as far as the Paddy Power website with your betting tips, but then thought "Sod it, No"

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hope you all followed my football bet....

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