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Good morning everyone

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venator | 06:04 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Where is everyone?
I'm just off to watch the F1 Grand Prix.


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Morning venator. I'll watch it later.
Just goes to show - everyone is still in bed because their brains think it is 7.35 instead of 8.35. Get up you lazy devils there is a day to be used.
Morning .I have to watch it live. Just finished 1 vettel 2 hamilition .Went to Silverstone 4 years ago great atmosphere. Have a nice day all hope you remembered to put clockes forward.
hi venator n all
sorry-cant get excited about scalextrix
Morning all, me neither beejay, watching cars go round and round a track
does nothing for me at all :-)
I can't watch horse racing which I think is a cruel sport but makes money for some and keeps my daughter in a job.
I don't like boxing wendi, why have two blokes in a square they call a ring????
to punch seven bells out of one another
bloody barbaric!
Talking abut boxing my grandson has this www wrestling ring thing and figures and he knocks hell out of them in the things he does with them kids are too into violent things I think. Probably getting away from the subject of this thread but just an obvervation in some of the things I see him watch and he is only 7.But they all the same nowadays . Too grown up for there years.
observation woops can't spell
same age as mine wendi (in July)
he has these monster figures and guns, he was playing at Army's the other day and promoted himself up to General straight away, a leader I think :-)
Good Morning..morning people! =)
Morning Noraq x
Good Morning ..warm smiley face Avatar Bobbi! x
thank you noraq, it even shows my wee dimple which only appears sometimes, unless my skins caving in..ha-ha

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Good morning everyone

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