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What is the worst thing you have ever tasted...careful with the

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Bobbisox | 08:46 Tue 29th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
for me it has to be Squid....eughhhh
horrible rubbery stuff, disgusting!


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Have a lie down triggs.

I detest Aubergine and courgettes too.
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ooohhh I enjoy courgettes in Ratatouille Mamya
I detest Aubergine and courgettes too.

stick them in your curry, if you like curry, you will love courgettes in curry
Oh, god ...

Ratatouille ... STRAIGHT to the top of the "worst thing you've tasted" list !!!
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never done that Mick, will give it a try, thanks
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fish sauces...eughhhhhhh
Home made ratatouille is much better than the bought stuff, although I do miss out the aubergines as I hate them.
The thing I hate most and even cannot bear to watch people eat is prawns. Its like eating maggots. Yuk.
Raw shark liver was not especially nice until I had goat lung.
Oh I remember those chickens in a can, all that jelly LOL
goat lung ??
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pmsl at McM

prawns are the only seafood I will touch
jj.......had it in Greece. My host said it was a local delicacy.

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