My partner and my combined income is £15000. We used to get 69 a week for working tax credit. They have now put it down to just 25 even though our details are still the same. I have done a calculation on government website and that says I should be getting 95 a week.
Are they allowed to just put it down based on same info even though this clearly says we should be getting more. I'm struggling to live now.
That combined income figure of £15000 pa- is that before tax/NI is deducted or after tax/NI are deducted. (I know your deductions won't be huge but they could make a difference to the tax credit entitement.)
its sounds extremely low for what you are both earning, i would call them again. Are you in receipt of benefits? sometimes this will effect your tax credits too
Hi ummm- yes, I realise they go off gross figures but I wondered whether the OP is quoting her net pay. For example where the OP says the household income is £15000 maybe this relates to a gross figure of say £17000 and so she is using the wrong figure to work out her entitlemnt to tax credits.
Anyway, the point remains that a call to the tax credits people is needed