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I can't believe ho fast this week has gone....

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merciasounds | 10:30 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
AND ...the first 1/4 of the year is over!! Where did it go?


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The hamster speeds up on it's wheel of life :)
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I've had Kiltie over a week now! Taking her to see her old owner tomorrow at the home
Mercia, who is kiltie?
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A 4 year old Westie - her owner had to go into a nursing home and her daughter couldn't have her as she travels alot and lives in privately rented accomodation that doesn't allow pets, so she came over last Thursday and asked me if I'd have her, else it was the dogs home
Aw good on ya for taking her in x

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I can't believe ho fast this week has gone....

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