Microwave oven in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Microwave oven

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Euphemia | 12:52 Tue 05th Apr 2011 | Home & Garden
15 Answers
I have had my Sharp's Carousel microwave for a good number of years and it still works very efficiently. However, I was wondering if there is any way of checking whether it is still safe. Thanks for any advice.
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You could ask an electrician to PAT (Portable Appliance Test) test it.
As long as the door seal is in good condition, there shouldn't be a problem. If you're still doubtful...

do you mean in terms of microwave or electrical safety?
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Many thanks both of you.
Put your nieghbour's cat in and stand outside the door. If it cooks and you don't it's probably ok.
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My late mother-in-law had a little gadget that you held up and around the door while it was working to check it for leaks but I can't remember what it was called. They are out there though.
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Had thought of that Old Geezer but the cat was too fat......
do you want to buy a tester or have your oven tested?
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I shall buy a tester
Your local Maplin store will sell you a tester cheaper than the one in Heathfield's link:

However, as Heathfield states, as long as the door still seals properly there should be no problem. (My microwave oven is 21 years old but I've got no concerns with regard to its safety).

If you're worried just don't stand too near it - microwaves don't travel very far.
aw old geezer, that's not nice...
I have to assume that Canary42 has never built a radio transmitter!

One of the great advantages of using microwaves for radio communication is their relatively low level of atmospheric attenuation. (i.e. rather than 'not travelling very far' they're particularly good at travelling quite long distances!).
Yes Buenchico, but not the microwave oven frequencies - they attenuate more quickly with distance compared to communication frequencies.

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