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It's sunny and warm with a good forcast, what you planning this weekend?

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Bobbisox | 12:24 Fri 08th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
too cold for the Barbie though


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Having a bbq today cause it's absolutely gorgeous in Dublin today!
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enjoy !!!
Farmers market ???!!???

It's a slippery slope..........
triggerhippy, could you manage a whole one? :)
"no pub, no dancing girls, farmers market For Funks Sake"
i always thought we would meet up and party on down for a few days, discussing girls and glorious adventures that we have had, looks like it will be tea and scones and stories about changing nappies
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I'm not feeling the warmth today, even though it is lovely and sunny here I have my heating on.
I always feel cold when i'm ill and both me and my son have picked up a cold type infection over the last couple of days, I started coughing up blood this morning and ache from head to toe :(

On a more pleasant note... I just took delivery of my new Amazon Kindle device and so far I love it! :)
Oh no Daffy....that's bad :-(
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I hope you feel better soon Daffy, that's not good coughing up blood, have you seen your GP?
I fancied a one of those Kindles too, are they good?
oh thats rough daffy, at least the kindle softens the blow....
Coughing up blood is not unheard of for me ummmm and Bobbi, it just means I have be alert to any changes in my breathing and report to docs asap if it gets worse. It will probably clear up in a day or two so i'm not too worried, I wish the aching would stop though!

Bobbi, get a Kindle, you won't regret it :)
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I am tempted Daffy, what sort of stuff do you read?
I'm a True Crime addict Bobbi, I love reading about serial killers and the psychology behind their crimes, I also like Crime Thrillers. I have only downloaded one book so far as the Kindle was only delivered at 12.30 today. I got the 3G version (which was £152.00) as it means I will be able to download books wherever I am. You can also download newspapers and magazines onto them.
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I enjoy biographies and a few writers, I like Lynn Anderson, she is a Liverpool writer and I quite enjoy Martina Cole

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It's sunny and warm with a good forcast, what you planning this weekend?

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