Why is it so digusting and why do they hide it in your food so when you are enjoying a nice indian takeaway you suddently bite into a piece of this vile stuff and it ruins the rest of your meal. Does anyone in the world actually like cardamom?
I wouldn't chose to bite into it. I can't understand why anyone likes it. But they hide it in your food and you don't realise until it's too late. I'm having a strop.
but the seeds are quite big, about the size of your little fingernail, surely you can see them and pick them out? Usually only 3 or 4 are used in any one dish...
milly, Im with you! cant stand biting into a pod hidden in the rice. No matter how much you search the rice and pull out bay leaves, pods and whatever else theyve used for flavouring, theres always one little blighter in there that gets missed
Thanks god! Someone else on here hates it. The taste is so horrible and it stays in your mouth for ages. Even the burning of my madras didn't get rid of it.
I used to make a wonderful pear and cardamom cake-----yumm.
I'm not sure I understand the logic of getting Indian food-then complaining about the very spices that make it taste good....at least it's *real* flavours ;-)