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Dagman | 05:50 Sat 09th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Good morning everyone, dry n bright here in Cumbria, hope it's good for you! Unfortunately just finished night shift so it's off to the pit shortly for me.


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Morning Dagman, bright and dry here too, probably going to be a warm day again like it was yesterday, just like a mid summer day.

Hope everyone has a good day whatever they are going to be doing and enjoy any lovely weather which comes their way.
'Morning Classy and Dagman, Saturday!!!! Yeh!!!! =)
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ah yes, saturday, best day of the week, best be off now, night night,or should that be morn morn? zzzzzz
*Thinking of WBM and his dear wife.Hope they both have a beautiful day.
Morning all,

I am up early as I've got a busy day.

It is really beautiful out. Have a lovely weekend.
Hi Funnygirl...don't work too hard!!
Goodmorning all, Im hoping for some rain later,im putting more grass seed down today :-)
morning all...
Would be nice if it rained at night mostly methinks lol. Mind you, I love watching the rain so I'd miss out on that wouldn't I.
morning to you all - where in Cumbria, Dagman, I was born in Cumbria?.
Morning all.
Beautiful sunny morning here on the Fylde coast. I won't be seeing much of it this morning though as i'm off back to bed in a minute - been up most of the night due to my oh's snoring and this stupid virus/chest infection I have.
Morning all :)

It's looking good today, I think a trip to the lakes will be happening.

Hope you all have a great day x
Morning all, looks like its going to be another cracker here in West Yorkshire, lazy day for me just a bit of a stop off at the supermarket then chill for the day.

Could be a BBQ at my Brothers later he said if it's nice on Saturday. so looks like its going to be on... yeah... free food.

Hope you all have a good one.
Morning all, very warm and sunny down in South London. Off out shopping soon, can't wait.

Have a nice day everyone :o)
Like 2 million others with the same idea, Lore. I used to lieve near Windermere and the family had one of the major tourist centres in Bowness, right next to the steamer pier.
For me, a quiet day, just heading for some breakfast with friends at a little cafe in Truro - wonderful scramblies they make. Then a little shopping and back here for lawn cutting. Pasties for lunch and some novel writing this afternoon. Not sure about the evening but no doubt some red wine involved!
Morning, DT. Sounds great!

Ah it's not going to happen now anyway, I've just remembered its my nephews 1st birthday tomorrow, so it's looking like a shopping trip instead.
A very good morning to all of, beautiful day here on Tyneside, not one to be wasted in front of my computer..LOL
have a great day wherever you are
Question Author
DTcrosswordFan, Born n bred Carlisle.
Further south for me - born Kendal and lived near Stavely.

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