I`ve got a pathology lab report here from the doctor`s receptionist that I have tried to interpret myself. My serum ferritin (iron i`m presuming) was 40 ug and in brackets it says 6 - 201) which I presume is the normal range. Is 40 ug low?
40 is in the normal range. Nothing to worry about.
I have hemochromatosis (almost certainly spelt that wrong) and have regular iron level tests and veni sections to keep the iron at a normal level. When diagnosed my iron levels were 700. At the last blood test in MArch it was 105. They aim to keep it below 50
Thanks Richard. I read about hemochromatosis a while ago. That makes your skin dark doesn`t it. The article said the condition is quite often overlooked.
Thanks Sqad. I picked up the path report from the docs and pretty much managed to interpret it but as I was lower in the normal range I wondered if it had any consequence. Goodness knows why my iron levels are ok, given my diet.