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Supermarket trolly's

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Jemisa | 06:55 Wed 13th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I've just done my online shopping order for delivery tomorrow am, can't be bothered to troopse round miles of aisles,lug it to the car & hope theres not another scratch to the car door from clumsy people who can't look where their goingwith their trolly's. grrrr!!
. 3 times thats happened to me this year., Its getting expensive.

Anyone else experience this?.



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Too many times to count, Jem. I'm dreading getting my new car in a couple of weeks and going to tescos (other supermarkets are available) and coming back to find some neanderthal has dented or scratched it
Also, Jem, noseyparker79 (our youngest) works for Asda on home deliveries
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Not rough, Helen, more like neolithic!
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ever noticed?..when you pick a space with loads of room either come back..and some old rust bucket is parked up close and personal!!! Grrr
Have you also noticed ...

If the car are parked all skewiff when you park, so you can only park over the edge of a marked box ...

When you come back, the cars around you have gone, and it looks like you're a completely incapable parker.
Noraq - you've visited our Tescos then? No matter how far away from anybody I park, I always get the idiot who does the same
I do both in store and online. Depends on the time really as my local Tesco carpark is always full and I can never find a parent & child space.
trollies not trolly's
I don't drive but live close to all the main supermarkets. However my rucksack collapsed last week and I am unable to 'lug' home boxes of cat food and 'juice' for me.

I am currently waiting for the Tesco man to come with my goodies. ;-)
Its never happened to our car and we visit the supermarket most days. Just luck I suppose.
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NO Redhelen, I don't live in a rough area. One still can be posh & careless too. I'm not talking about Tesco car park. I'm talking 'Waitrose' yummy mummy's with their 4x4s.
David 5 Glad to sea the speling ect polees are on patrole.


I've even had somebody slam their door into the side of my car while I was sitting in it, they got the shock of their life when I shouted at them from about 2 foot away because they hadn't seen me.

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Supermarket trolly's

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