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carlton23 | 23:58 Sat 16th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Time for bed again, had a nice hour with yo`all, G`night


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nite nite carlton, hope your legs behave tonight x
Goodnight carlton, hope you have a restful nights sleep.
night carlton..........
good night well carlton , i hope you get a good sleep.
Night Carlton, sleep well ♥
Night Carlton :)
Sweet Dreams xx
Question Author
Thanks and love you.
isnt that carlton a wee flirt with all the ladies... :) :)
Night night Carlton, try not to fart in bed, though it may relieve some of the pressure on yer leg!
just don't windmill.....
oh he is anne, oh he is! ;o)

night night bill, sweet dreams
Oh dear, you've set me off again, boxtops, just as I thought I'd calmed down a bit.
LOL sir alec, good job I don't have a video...
Just as well you havn't I'd probably have a hernia laughing.

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