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Dalgliesh tells Wenger to p*ss off!

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Gromit | 09:51 Mon 18th Apr 2011 | News
30 Answers
Will the FA be consistant and impose a ban for this display of swearing on camera last night?


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Stick to rugby.

Rugby players never swear, they just cuss. Much more gentile than this crude game called soccer, football whatever.
Mr Dalgleish told Mr Whinger to 'Pi$$ off' in direct response to his usual apres-whistle bleating. There was a TV camera close by which happened to pick up what was said.

Mr Rooney sought out a TV camera and addressed his 'flumpetty flumpetty flump flump flump' directly towards whomever was sitting at the other end of the cathode ray tube...

A huge difference...
Gentile?.........Oy vey !

Is that what they are checking in the scrum ?
You are in a pub. Someone walks up to you and swears in your face, A day later you overhear someone swearing. Its not the same.
gromit is having a bad day as a result of Utd losing on Sat ! Another excuse to have a dig at Liverpool, same old, same old.........duh !
Arrswhole Whinger

Nominative determinism anybody ?!
Does anyone know what Wenger said to Dalglish?
-- answer removed --
May I respectfully suggest,that you stick to subjects,you may know something about.
For a person has given just over 830 answers in 8 years,average 10.5 p.a To comment,in this thread,is ridiculous,be it all in a flippant way or not.
Who TF do you think you are ?
You can respectfully suggest what you like, but I will comment on any damn post i feel like commenting on whether you or anybody else likes it or not.

By the way, when I want your opinions i will give them to you

your name says it all

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Dalgliesh tells Wenger to p*ss off!

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