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Young people

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Teddy_boy | 19:00 Wed 20th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Why are they so opinionated today?Do you think that the internet has played or does play any part in their attitude towards their elders?


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Yes, I think it does.
Impossible? Why?

I have never met a rude youngster....they could be rude to other people...but never to me.

Sooo, It's not impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think they are any more opinionated now than they were when I was their age.
I can't remember a time when I was younger when I WASN'T opinionated, I had an opinion on everything! And obviously they were set in stone because I was right.... I've still got opinions but I'm not as rigid as I was when I was young and dumb. I think young people having an opinion is a good thing, at least it shows they've thought about and had an idea about something, even if it is wrong. I also think that it's good they can challenge their elders, challenging someones views isn't about being disrespectful, and therefore, as long as they can learn that and challenge an idea, then I think it's a good thing.
I can honestly say that no young person has ever been rude to me either - the saying 'you treat people as you would like to be treated yourself' also extends to youngsters.
Well young people have been rude to me as well as old people, etc. Not necessarily in conversation with me on a one to one basis, but there is plenty of behaviour that I consider rude, i.e. shoving and pushing, etc. etc. etc. swearing in front of folk, etc. etc. etc. that I consider disrespectful and has nothing to do with whether I respect them or not as they don't know me. And I have seen plenty of rude behaviour in the streets from young people.
I have read through previous replies with interest and agree with it mostly. I think the internet has allowed young people to interact with their peers much easier than we ever could without it. Peep pressure is huge and encompasses a lot of youngsters' attitudes to elders. Young people spend more time with electronic babysitters than is good for them my opinion !!! :)
I think maybe they are more opinionated, but in a good way. I think maybe the internet has played a part in young people learning more about causes and subjects which interest them, rather than what is in the school curriculum or what is their parents' opinions. This can only be a good thing for the future - they have learned enough to make an informed opinion and they are not scared to challenge things they see as wrong.
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Sorry if im repeating myself here , but where did rude come into the debate?To be opinionated one doesnt necessarily need to be rude.
I think there are rude kids just like there are rude adults but yes, I think kids are more opinionated these days. There is nothing wrong with them having an opinion but I have heard that employers have problems sometimes with applicants having an "I know best" attitude in interviews.

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