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im up later than usual tonight...

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stokemaveric | 00:27 Wed 04th May 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
anyone fancy a chat???


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how much you won today Stoke?
Yes, have you got over your fluffy wuffy bunny brigade Grand National thread yet?
how's life there in stoke maverick!.............miss living in Staffs!.............Loved it there!......
Welshi as an asside - do you know if Pink got her wire done?
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hi all...i havent had a flutter today tony ive been to birmingham on a business trip.albeit a wasted journey but you cant get everything you want can you?? hi elvis do i detect a hint of jealousy there over my tipping??? lol.....hi welsh its a bit breezy here in stoke and a bit on the nippy side too glad you enjoyed life in gods own county lol x
Hi stoke, what's keeping you up?
tony, yes wire is done, planting was to be today!..............not heard anything more!......
maverick, as you can gather I am welsh, but lived in Staffs for around 15 years, love it!......So friendly!....miss it!.................
Not at all mate, I`m glad you won, I just felt you got hard done by all the those who were so anti horse racing and decided to come out this year and express their views
How ya doing stokey??x
need to go - so wish you all a good day bye
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it happens every year elvis m8..where are they now??lol...hi supersuzy hows life treating you??x..sorry to hear you miss our area so much welsh.yes the folk in this neck of the woods are mainly ok..but you get the odd 1 or 2 oddballs but hey ho...thats life lol...
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goodnite tonyv...

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im up later than usual tonight...

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