Hey, i have the same breakfast of a bowl of porridge and a can of sardines and the same lunch of 3 egg sandwiches and some fruit everyday is this ok or too repetitive? Evening meals and any snacks vary. cheers.
What's wrong with sardines? They are a healthy option,and not much different than smoked fish.
But-I think your diet needs a bit more variety,graff. Say-tuna or chicken sandwiches instead,and eggs for breakfast.
surely only you can say if this is too repetitive for you?
And by snacks, what are they and how often? After all, it won't half bugger a diet up if the snacks are a McD's or a KFC 4 times a day- though it be a bloody good one!
Ahhh yeah Pasta, you're more than likely right. Still, my first comment still stands....surely only the OP knows whether this menu is too repetitive for him or her?
why sardines every morning. There is so many others to choose from. i.e. mackeral, tuna, salmon, pilchards. ( now I think I could eat a lovely salmon mayo wholemeal sandwich for breakfast ) but no other fish.