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Great stuff, rain on it's way..

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Bobbisox | 14:02 Thu 05th May 2011 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
we have had none for such a while now, the grass is not looking very healthy, love the sun but we do need a good downpour, you had any yet?


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Sunny Manchester - just had a splash to wet the ground, but it seems to have passed on now,
Sun is out in all it's glory now, a lovely evening.
I am in London by the way.
suffolk --- dry as a bone but dull would love a night of gentle rain to feed everything!
My grass is very brown in patches. If we don't get some rain soon it will die completely. Have been trying to water it, but not enough. I think it needs a lot more. The pansies are still looking nice though and the roses are starting to come out.
It's raining here now although not the downpour that we really need. Had to run out to bring the washing in. Last month I painted wood preservative on the fence and dribbled it across the lawn, so now I have a brown swathe of grass. I'm hoping that bit of grass will grow back soon. It's forecast to rain this weekend.
Bobbi......nooooooo!!!!! (I'm not talking about the rain, btw). :o)
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it reflects my mood of today I think Mrs C :+)
We have had a few light showers here in Devon but I need lots of rain to get my turf rooted, its drying out so quickly!!
None here unfortunately...our lawn is dead after no rain for weeks, just hope we get some soon but it is a little worrying when the local tv weather forecaster tells you that he will probably be doing a rain dance this weekend....gulp!
Still no rain here :o(

Glad all went well today RATTER x
Aw, Bobbi, where's your blonde bombshell pic gone? :(
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evening arti :+0)
Hi ;) x
Btw, off all subjects, do insomniacs get 'wake' in the corner of their eyes?
Lots of heavy showers here in South Wales! needs it!...........I do not!.....Going to a Wedding on Saturday!...........Not good!..........
TY Mazie :-)
its been pouring here all day,not let up at all.
I'm in Kent and we desperately need rain. Forecast for the weekend so hopefully our water butts will get filled up again then.

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Great stuff, rain on it's way..

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