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Card do they work?

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sandyRoe | 10:35 Fri 06th May 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
It generates a number, how does the account 'know' it's correct?


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Unclear question.

Do you mean the security card readers some banks use to generate a number when you log in?

if so they work on a rotating algorithm to produce the number and like car alarms (which do the same thing) the bank will probably except the next couple of hundred numbers it would produce so they don't go out of sync.
I've given up trying to fathom out how they work.
Useless piece of kit IMO.

my Dad has one from Barclays - everytime he wants to use it,he has to phone them for a pin number, which he can use for that day only.
Hello Den, Hows you? hows everyone in the W****** family?

Hope mum is as well as can be expected. Alls well here. Looking forward to seeing an old school friend tomorrow, a ride out to Great Bentley should be interesting.

sorry for intruding Sandy.

has you dad tried "pinsentry" much easier than phoning the bank every time he needs a code
Great Bentley and interesting are not words that are seen together very often, there is nothing there (other than a huge village green)

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Card do they work?

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