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Jemisa | 07:03 Tue 10th May 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I had to sign in this mo to be able to answer a Q Again!

Thats the 3rd time in a week, whats going on?
Anyone else having to do this too.Has Ed said anything about this new rule?



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Not as far as I know jem.

How's the speed on your pc doing? That probably has nothing to do with it tho. I'm not the slightest bit techie.
I had this problem a while ago, went on for ages, but it turned out to be something I had to do , but can't now remember what.
clear your cache I think
Question Author
alba, check my memory thread its all there. Got to go need caffien.

Hi Jem.

Usually, if you're not staying signed in, that is because you're clearing your cookies.

When clearing your cache try to avoid clearing the cookies (there is usually a list of tick-boxes to choose what to clear).

Let me know how you get on.

Question Author
Will do. thanx Ed.

Yep, if you have any more problems the chaps in Tech are your best bet.

All the best,


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