I was watching a quiz on tv this afternoon(I know Im sad) and one of the questions was "Name a US state with a coastline" The teams were in pairs and 2 young men, one of whom was a teacher gave as there answers "Mexico and Detroit!!
I am of similar mind when I was young basic world geography was beaten into us regularly. It is the one thing that I have noticed a significant drop in over the years.
I think you are right scotman, I must admit geography is one of my strongest subjects and it always amazes me how little some people know. Even the "Great cj de thingy" on Eggheads admits he is rubbish at it
My geography is shocking despite the fact that I have both O grade and Higher in it. The problem is, they don't teach anything about where countries are anymore - it's all about weather, geology, 'social geography', urban planning and that sort of thing.
You may well be right. I wonder how many people go on-line or into Thomson's to book a cheap last-minute holiday and actually know where they have been sent.
I am useless at geography and as Karen says all the focus was about weather systems, rivers and population when at school. However; my lack of knowledge even so is bad; don't really know where places in the UK are that well!
Ah, I do know where I'm going on holiday, my friend however, had booked a holiday to Tenerife and only realised afterwards that it's not in mainland Spain; when I told her the Canaries were closer to Africa she was very surprised!
Sorry,nothing to do with quiz programmes but with stupid answers. the Police were having a crackdown on motorists and stopped a woman with three children in the back of the car.
"why are they not wearing seatbelts ? " she was asked, "because they're not my children" she replied.
I studied History as my Mum said 'You can't change History, but you can change Geography'! I'm rubbish at maths, science and sport. I love shouting at quiz shows!
Sophie, a colleague of mine went to the Canaries and beforehand she said it was really short flight considering they were going to America! The same woman - when asked if we had any books on New York said 'no sorry, we've only got books on North America' emphasising the north as though New York was in the 'other bit' ;)
Heard a woman confessing on the radio that her and three friends had tickets to a concert at Leeds Castle and drove all the way from the south of England to Yorkshire only to discover that it was not at Leeds. Missed the concert of course plus petrol and accommodation they'd booked it turned out to be a very expensive mistake.